Composting Workshop

Past event
Jun 11, 2022, 10 to 11 AM

Does your garden want a healthy infusion of nutrient rich compost to improve the quality of your soil? So take your banana peels and apple cores and other vegetative food and garden scraps hanging around and learn how to make a good batch of compost and reduce your waste line. We have the tools to help put your garbage can on a diet. The Mad River Resource Management Alliance (MRRMA) which includes the towns of Fayston, Moretown, Waitsfield, Warren and Waterbury is offering a workshop on composting at the conference room at the Waitsfield Municipal Office on June 11, 2022 from 10 to 11:00 am.

At this work shop you will learn how to compost; where to compost; why we compost, how to deal with bears when composting and how much fun it is to be a composter. As a bonus, if you participate in the workshop you are eligible to purchase a Soil Saver Compost Bin for a reduced price of only $45.00. Masks are recommended during the workshop.

Please preregister by June 9, 2022 with your name, address, phone number and number of compost bins you want to purchase to: John Malter at

Got questions email John Malter at

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