Sale Event
When: May 28, 2022, 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Variety from near and far - small items - large items - PRICED TO SELL
2 wooden table tops 6'x2' with trestle stands ....2 new Tiara Tahitian motif cotton queen bed spreads - blue or red... Ethiopian Royal helmet and pith helmet...Thai Hill tribe headdress ...Sheep skin rugs (black, brown, white) and single mattress covers...deck sunscreens and hardware ......Beautiful Hereford cow hide ...walking canes with various bird handles...outdoor carpet...small shop vacs....electric BBQ...picnic hamper...metal table/4 chairs...wooden child's hole digger.....assorted unique hats, golf clubs, puppet three beers and bull dog stuffed animals, woolen blankets, shell leis, micro wave, duffel sports bags, glass candle vases, camp screens, Leather brief satchel, Icelandic sweater, Elvis portrait, electric weed wacker, floor mats, giant size decorative shells, portable gas small grill and more...
PLEASE NOTE THE DECK is 24 steps above the road. Parking in front of cottage is available on either side of Lake Dunmore Road
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