The Westford Planning Commission, with the help of consultant Brandy Saxton of Place Sense, is exploring a new community-based vision and new development standards for the neighborhoods within the Town Center Area.
Why are we doing this?
To maintain Westford’s historic green and center as the community asset we all know it is, it will help to have an overall strategy for how this area can redevelop over time. Using public surveys and workshops, the Planning Commission is exploring how best to:
Foster a better sense of place & community
Enhance traffic calming & walkability
Encourage more economic & community investment
Preserve the historic fabric & environmental resources
Create form-based zoning for major subdivisions, commercial and multi-family development
Support the creation & expansion of local businesses
Streamline the local permit process & reduce local permit fees
Develop a strategy for community wastewater options/potential.
Please join us! MONDAY, JUNE 30, 2014 AT 7 PM AT THE BRICK MEETING HOUSE for an evening of refreshments and discussion as we talk about the Westford Planning Commission’s progress on the project.
All residents are encouraged and welcomed to join us. Please note that this is an excellent time to learn more and offer your opinions. For more information and/or to view the language under consideration, please visit the project website at ( or the town office. Furthermore, please feel free to contact Melissa Manka, Planning Coordinator, at the town office (878-4587) or by email (
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