Date: Saturday, June 07, 2014 (Weather forecast is for SUN, and they are NEVER wrong!)
Time: 11:00 AM SATURDAY
ATTENTION ALL KIDS: You are invited to march in a parade! Decorate your bicycle, wagon or doll carriage. Dress up your pets or your parents or wear your own favorite costume. Free Ice Cream and ribbons for all participants. Kids from East Hardwick and all surrounding communities welcome. Presented by the East Hardwick Community, Caledonia Grange #9 and The East Hardwick Congregational Church. Parade followed by plant sale and Chinese auction.
Free Registration begins at 10:00 AM on Saturday June 07, at Hardwick Chiropractic Lot, 54 School Circle, Rte 16 - East Hardwick.
For additional information call 472-3139 or email E.Hardwick.Grange@gmail.com.