CD Release Concert with Elaine Greenfield

Past event
May 29, 2022, 3 to 4:30 PM

Sunday, May 29 at 3 pm: Concert pianist Elaine Greenfield presents a concert at the Richmond Free Library Community Room celebrating the formal release of her new double disc CD, Ravel Compared, by Parma Recordings. At the concert Elaine will share insights into her eight-year project, discuss Ravel, and play music from the recording. Tickets: Adult, $25; Seniors and Students, $20. Purchase tickets at the door, cash or check. All admission proceeds will be donated to the Vermont Food Bank. Recordings will be available for purchase at the concert ($30). In order to keep the audience safe, we ask that all attendees be vaccinated and wear masks at all times. Thank you for your cooperation.

For more information call the Library at 802-434-3036 or email

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