Strawberry Festival June 14

Past event
Jun 14, 2014, 10 AM to 3 PM

The Second Congregational Church will be holding it’s Annual Strawberry Festival on Saturday, June 14th 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. It will be held at the church on 81 Hancock Road, Williamstown, MA. There will be Lunch Sandwiches and beverages. Fresh Strawberry Shortcake Deluxe.

The church ladies will be offering a variety of homemade sandwiches with your choice of bread. Other tables include a Chinese Auction, Games, Crafts and a Jewelry table. Tag Sale and Bake Sale. Also, Plants, and many other vendors.

Festival music will be heard 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM. in the outside parking area. Come and bring some friends. It’s always lots of fun.

This is a church fund raiser and we appreciate you stopping by to see us and enjoy a Shortcake or take one home with you.

Thank you.
Caroline Martel

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