Please join the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) and the Addison County Regional Planning Commission (ACRPC), May 26, for the Vergennes Planning and Environment Linkages (PEL) Study Public Workshop.
In-Person at the Vergennes Opera House
120 Main Street, Vergennes, VT 05491
Thursday, May 26, 2022
6:00 – 8:30 p.m.
The Vergennes PEL Study is evaluating transportation alternatives that reduce the impact of large truck traffic on VT Route 22A and Downtown Vergennes to enhance the quality of life and economic vitality in Vergennes and the surrounding towns. The Study team is now compiling a long list of potential alternatives and developing draft alternatives screening criteria to be considered. The purpose of the public workshop is to gather feedback on the draft long list of alternatives and screening criteria.
Can't attend on May 26? Join us on Wednesday, June 1, for a virtual public meeting. The same information will be covered at both workshops.
Virtual via Zoom Meeting
Wednesday, June 1, 2022
6:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Full details and a link to register for the virtual meeting are available at