"Father" - "Daughter" Dance at Chms June 7

Past event
Jun 7, 2014, 6 to 9:30 PM

"Father" - "Daughter" Dance
Saturday, June 7th, 2014
Camels Hump Middle School
6:00 - 9:30pm

Guys*: $10 in advance/$12 at the door Gals**: FREE

*DADS/GUYS to include ALL father figures: uncles, grandpas, good friends.

This is a night to celebrate the important adult guys in "little" gals' lives.

**DAUGHTERS of ALL ages!! This is a multi-generational event!!

College/Adult Gals - bring that important Dad/Adult Guy for a great night.

DADS/GUYS - get your "little girl" ready for a special DATE night!

GIRLS - get the big guy ready for a night of fun with you all to himself

Dessert, water and coffee will be served while our DJ's get you movin' and groovin' on the dance floor.

Proceeds this year to benefit:
Richmond Elementary School (RES) FOCUS* and RES Four Winds Program

**MOMS** PLEASE HELP!!! Sign up here to bring baked goods, basket raffle items or volunteer at the dance and help make this night extra special:

*Raffle* We'll have three fun baskets to raffle: For Dad, A Little Girl and A Big Girl
*Picture Booth* Bring home a memory! $5/picture to benefit CHMS/RES Odyssey of the Mind!

You may register on-line at http://tinyurl.com/RichmondFatherDaughter
OR return the following information, with payment to Jill Danilich at RES or Rebecca Thompson at CHMS

Checks made payable to: RES FOCUS

Great Guy's name:

Daughter's Name(s):

FOCUS: Families, Community and School Focusing on Student Success. Supports scholarships for students to attend field trips and after school extracurricular activities at RES

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