Shelburne Social Services Committee Wednesday

Past event
May 25, 2022, 6:30 to 8 PM

Shelburne Social Services Committee Agenda
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Hybrid Meeting, 6:30 PM

Meeting held in Town Offices Room 2 or Zoom:

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Meeting ID: 865 1007 7501
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Meeting ID: 865 1007 7501
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Call to Order: 6:30PM
Appoint Note Taker:
Consider Approval of Agenda:
Citizen Participation: Guest, Alison Johnson, Green Mtn. Habitat for Humanity,
Guest: Kay Boyce, Ukrainian refugees
Approval of April Minutes
Treasurer's Report: Linda Riell

Old Business:
1. Welcome to Sean Moran
2. Timeline for Charter Revision
3. Other

New Business
1. Habitat for Humanity, $5000
2. Fiscal Year Update
3. Other
Next Meeting: June 22, 2022, 6:30 PM

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