Greetings neighbors!
Reed's Seedling's Stand is coming on Sunday, May 22. I'll be selling vegetable starts from 10AM to 12PM at 80 Caroline Street.
I have been doing this for 3 years, and I'm getting really good at it. My seedlings look great this year; you're going to love them!
This is what I have:
-Tomatos -- Moskvich (slicer), San Marzano (paste), Bronze Torch (saladette), Sun Gold (cherry), Red Husky (cherry)
-Hot Peppers -- Jalapeño, Fresno, Serrano, Cayenne, Habanero
-Butternut Squash
This year, I'm going to donate 1/3 of the money I make to The Bee Conservancy, because bees are really important for flowers to reproduce, and I love honey. The Bee Conservancy helps bees and people by helping communities start bee hives.
I hope to see you on Sunday! Don't forget: fresh vegetables are so yummy.
80 Caroline St
Mar 9, 2025, 11 AM to 12 PM
Burlington Elks Lodge #916 BingoMar 10, 2025, 4:30 to 9:30 PM
Come from AwayMar 12, 7:30 PM to Mar 13, 2025