• What: Bike event this Saturday, May 21, 2022, 7:30 AM to 3:00 PM.
• Where: Cochran's Ski Area Base Lodge, Cochran Road, Richmond, Vermont.
• By: The Richard Tom Foundation Richard's Ride Powered by VBT.
When you register you can select one of the following routes:
Richard's 5: Cochran Road closed to through traffic. River Trail or Cochran Road. Celebration station at turnaround, RTF medals to children. Face painting.
Richard's 15 (Family Ride): One Food stop at turn-around.
Richard's 30: One food stop on North Williston Road near the intersection with Rt. 2.
Richard's 40/50 Gravel: Unsupported. Carry plenty of fluids and energy boosters! Beaudry's store is available near Miles 8 and 31.
Richard's 70: Two food stops: At Mile 28.4 in Cambridge (intersection of Lower Pleasant Valley and Rt.15); at Mile 52.4 Rt. 128 at the Westford Village Green.
Richard's Technical MTB: Guided ride led by Burlington Bike Park developer Max Krieger
Post Ride Events:
Face painting for kids, great post-ride meal, Stone Corral brews for adults, Sisters of Anarchy ice cream for dessert are all a part of the day when we celebrate Richard's life! Follow this link to learn more about the Richard Tom Foundation and all that we do for the area cycling community: https://www.richardtomfoundation.com/ or you can go right here to select a ride: https://www.bikereg.com/rtfoundation
One last thing, it takes about 50 volunteers to run this event so if you or someone you know wants to volunteer, please sign up at:
I'm volunteering for this event. Hope to see you there!