Blessing of the Farmers and Free Pancake Breakfast!

Past event
May 28, 2022, 9 to 11 AM

Please Join us for our first annual blessing of the farmers and free pancake breakfast on Saturday, May 28th at 9 am. We will be cooking up a hot pancake breakfast along with eggs, bacon and sausage. Following breakfast we will be blessing everyone who works in agriculture (this means anyone who puts their hands in the dirt or eats food that comes from the soil) so that they might have a productive and safe growing season and harvest. Tractors will be on site for youngsters to explore up close and Pastor Kempton Randolph, also a Cabot farmer will say a word about what it means to be a part of this world with your hands in the dirt and your soul connected to creating sustenance for all of human life. If possible consider RSVPing to this e-mail so we can ensure enough food is prepared. Weather permitting we will provide indoor and outdoor seating.

Located at Journey Fellowship Church at 7868 US Rt. 2, just past Maple fields in Plainfield. Open to all, come bless and encourage all the farmers, growers, gardeners and everyone who eats food!

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