GRANVILLE VOTERS — Our Town Meeting is Tuesday at 6pm.
There are a number of warned articles that impact our small town including:
The future of the Constable duties,
Reopening Buffalo Farm Road,
Whether to allow retail sales and integrated licenses for cannabis
Approval of municipal and roads budgets.
OtherTown business, updates and questions
Promptly at 6pm elections will take place for Selectboard and other Town officials.
A lot of gratitude and thanks to Kathy Werner for her 15 years serving as Town Clerk and Treasurer. We will elect these two separate positions. These are the two most important positions for our small town.
Please attend Town Meeting! Truly a unique Vermont tradition. Democracy at its best. Help plan the future of Granville.
Please let me know if you have any questions. 802-767-1159. Thanks
Bruce Hyde
Selectboard Chair