MRPS School Board - RVS Tour + Board Meeting

Past event
May 18, 2022, 5:15 to 8:30 PM

Hello Roxbury Community!

There are two MRPS School board happenings this week in Roxbury on Wednesday, May18th:

Roxbury Village School Building Tour, 5:15-6:15PM
MRPS School Board of Directors meeting, 6:30-8:30PM

*Both are public meetings that community members are welcome to join.*

Learn more below:

RVS Building Tour
The Montpelier-Roxbury school board's Facilities & Energy Committee is in the process of touring all district schools. The purpose of the tours is to get the lay of the land at each school to support project prioritization across the district's facilities. Anyone interested to learn about the building, recently completed projects, and future facility opportunities and improvements is welcome to join. There will be an opportunity for public comment at the beginning of the meeting.

MRPS School Board of Directors Meeting
A full meeting of the Montpelier-Roxbury Board of School Directors will follow the RVS tour at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Town Hall @ RVS or you can participate virtually via Zoom.

At this week's meeting, the MRPS Board will receive a presentation from MRPS Curriculum Director, Mike Berry. The presentation will provide a snapshot of academic performance, staffing quality, student access/equity, school safety, and investment priorities at the district schools (RVS, UES, MSMS, and MHS). This will surely be an informative, rich conversation.

The May 18th meeting agenda and meeting documents can be found at:

*The Zoom link is in the agenda.* Board meetings always begin with a public comment opportunity at 6:30 pm.; public comments can be made whether you attend in-person or virtually.

Please reach out to your MRPS Roxbury School Board Directors any time!

Kristen Getler (
Rhett Williams (

In Appreciation,
Kristen Getler and Rhett Williams

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