Sodbusters Horseshoe Pitching Club

Past event
May 21, 2022, 10 AM to 12 PM

On May 21st from 10am - 12pm

Sodbusters Horseshoe Club is hosting a free horseshoe pitching clinic for kids ages 6-17.

Those interested will then be able to participate in Sodbusters' first ever youth-only league on June 9, 16, 23, 30 from 6-7pm. Each night they will pitch 100 shoes. The fee for the league is $10.

Horseshoes will be provided for both events.

Please make sure kids bring a water bottle and wear comfortable/moveable clothing and sneakers.

Any questions contact Brianna McCormick at
(802)989-9780 or email

Sodbusters is located behind the Bristol American Legion at the Bristol Recreation Field in Bristol, Vermont.

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