Edible Landscape Workshop

Past event
May 23, 2022, 5:30 to 6:30 PM

Transition Town Jericho has started an Edible Landscape Project to benefit Jericho citizens now and in the future. It is an experiment to determine how a former dump site can support plants that provide food for wildlife and people. It is also an opportunity to show how a lawn area can be transformed into a place of beauty. It includes how to:
Prepare the soil
Determine a goal
Choose the right plants for the site
Nurture the plants until they can grow sustainably
It will be held at the site, just north of 500 Browns Trace, on May 23 from 5:30-6:30 PM.

After a brief introduction and time for questions, we will work on the vegetable garden area and prepare sites for native flowers, shrubs, and trees. The goal is to help people understand how to begin an edible landscape at home.
Bring tools with which to dig, gardening gloves (if you use them), and questions you may have about creating an edible landscape.

Since parking is limited at 500 Browns Trace, please RSVP to author of this post (agnagey@vtc.edu) and meet at 413 Browns Trace to carpool to the site.

After the hour, we can return to 413 Browns Trace to see more ideas you might want to try at home.

**If the weather is not cooperative, we will reschedule.

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