Navajo Taco Feast June 7

Past event
Jun 7, 2014

Navajo Taco Feast, Calvary Episcopal Church: June 7 at 4:30 and 6:30

“WHAT’S THAT?”, you say?

A scrumptious way to eat all the basic food groups! These are not the hand held taco you eat around here. Fry bread with seasoned meat, saucy beans, tomatoes, lettuce, onions, sour cream, guacamole, pico de gallo …well you get the picture. Navajo tacos are a favorite meal in the southwestern United States, although you may hear them called Paiute Tacos, Hopi Tacos or just Indian Tacos.

What ever you wanna’ call ‘em, they taste great. They are beautiful to behold and delicious to consume. And you can try them at the 1st Annual Navajo Taco Dinner at Ken’s Kitchen, Calvary Episcopal Church, Route 15, on the Jericho-Underhill town line. Come on down June 7th;; we’ll have two seatings: 4:30 and 6:00 pm. Eat in or take home. Children are $5.00, Adults $7.00 or the Family Plan $18.00 (4 people). Call 899-4801 or 899-1830.

Better reserve your plate early. Once folks taste ‘em, they are sure to sell out as faster than a hungry coyote. Now where was that? The church with the red doors, that’s where!!

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