Welcome all ages to the kick-off Keep BF Beautiful and volunteer meet & greet! Saturday, May 14 from 9-12 at the Waypoint Center
Enjoy coffee and pastries donated by the BF Rotary Club, learn about the Rotary, the Bellows Falls Downtown Development Alliance, and the Great Falls Regional Chamber, get to know your neighbors and help us with our projects to Keep BF Beautiful:)
Return at NOON for a Potluck Lunch!
Something for everyone, so come and meet people and do what you can and want to!
Activities and jobs needed:
Planting, digging, clearing brush, raking, painting, trash pickup, filing, office work, spring cleaning, window cleaning, painting, sweeping, and poster making!
If you could bring any tools: rake, spade, cutters, clippers, diggers, broom, newspapers that would be helpful too!
Come and learn more about our non-profits and see what else we have planned for the summer!
RSVP or questions to bfdda1@gmail.com
For updated information and more details join the event on Facebook at BFDDA
This is a RAIN or SHINE event!
Hope to see you there,
Betsy Thurston, Elijah Zimmer, Deb Collier
Jan 9, 2025, 4 to 4:45 PM
Sarasa Ensemble: the Color BurstJan 10, 2025, 7 to 8:30 PM
Community Safety: What Does It Mean to You?Jan 13, 2025, 5 to 6:30 PM