Spring Green Things Growing Garden Seedling/Plant Sale

Past event
May 14, 2022, 10 AM to 2 PM

Green Things Growing will host a weekends-only plant sale from May 14th - June 5th from 10am-2pm each Saturday and Sunday at 370 Richard Woolcutt Rd, Wolcott (just off Rte 12 in ELMORE). With our short growing season, get your best chance at success with the most locally grown, hardy, healthy garden and flower seedlings! Expect a wide variety of vegetables (tomatoes; hot and bell peppers; ground cherries & tomatillos; brassicas; cucurbits; all kinds of greens and everything in between!) as well as flowers and herbs and my best effort to answer questions. Grown from only non-GMO, mostly organic seeds in Vermont Compost Company soil products in my home greenhouse, these babies have had an infancy with minimal stress, no travel, and no chemical applications. Prices will be $3.75/3.5" pot and $5.50/generous six pack with lots of mix and match options on the six packs. In working to minimize waste, we are experimenting with some exciting new products and methods to eventually transition fully away from the ubiquitous black plastic nursery pots (technically recyclable, but generally not recycled and challenging [for me] to reuse). So, some plants will be available in "Fertil-Pots" at the same 3.5" price, and in 2" soil blocks at $.75/plant. Here's a link if your curiosity is piqued about soil blocking: https://www.johnnyseeds.com/growers-library/methods-tools-supplies/seed-starting-transplanti[...]tml

Hope to see you at the sale ~ Email with questions!

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