Green Up Day in Cambridge

Past event
May 7, 2022

Green Up Day is almost here! Pick up your Green Up trash bags and get out in your community on Saturday, May 7 to clean up your neighborhood roads and waterways. As a volunteer, you make a huge difference for our environment.

Green Up Day bags will be distributed on Thursday, May 5 to the following locations: Cambridge Village Market, Hanley's, The Farm Store, and Cambridge Elementary School. Please only take the number of bags you intend to use, and please only use them for roadside litter. Once the bags are filled, leave them at the intersection of a road so that our amazing town crew can collect them on Monday and dispose of them properly.

We also have two survey opportunities. You can win prizes for submitting them.

The CCC would like to know:
1) where did you go (which road, from where to where, one or both sides)?
2) how many people collected in your group?
3) how many bags of trash did you collect?
4) what was your most interesting find?
5) what was your most disgusting find?
6) what was your most useful find?
7) any other interesting information that you'd like to share . . .

Please send your answers to: All responses will be entered into a prize draw, and the winner will receive a 20 oz. aluminum Green Up Day Vermont water bottle.

Healthy Lamoille Valley is also conducting a survey - so keep track of any substance-related items and complete this form:

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