What: Bolton Planning Commission Hybrid Meeting
When: Tuesday, May 10, 2022, 6 p.m.
Where: Virtually & in-person at the Bolton Town Office, 3045 Theodore Roosevelt Highway
The Planning Commission (PC) will be discussing changes to the proposed amendments to the 2017 Bolton Town Plan based on community feedback at the public hearing on April 21, 2022. They will also be discussing amendments to the BLUDRs (Bolton Land Use and Development Regulations aka zoning regulations).
Amendments to both the Town Plan and the BLUDRs are required to go through a public hearing process. The PC hearing on the Town Plan amendments has already taken place. The next step is a Select Board hearing. The PC hearing on the BLUDRs has yet to be scheduled but may be as early as May or June.
Information on hearings, access, reports on the amendments, and the documents with the amendments will be available on the PC page on the town website as part of the notice of public hearing process. If you are interested in these issues, please stay informed and check the site regularly. You can access the PC page with the following link: https://boltonvt.com/boards-minutes/planning-commission/ or by going to the Bolton homepage, click on Boards and Committees, Planning Commission.
Town Plan amendments include but are not limited to, incorporation of the Bolton Valley Master Plan, including recommended changes to future land use district, and amendment of Town policies related to steep slopes.
BLUDR amendments include but are not limited to, the creation of a Resort Master Plan regulatory process, and a more specific steep slopes section (based on DRB experience with applications involving steep slopes) which will ease some restrictions and increase others. A report fully outlining proposed changes is forthcoming and will be posted on the Town website.
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