Observe the Moon Through Telescopes Sunday Night!

Past event
May 8, 2022, 8:30 to 10 PM

Astronomy Notes - The 2022 Astronomy Season Begins - the Moon

The moon is right over our heads but few people look at it by eye, let alone through a telescope. Come to this observing session to change that. You'll see mountain ranges, craters, valleys, and plains of once-molten lava created by collisions millions or billions of years ago when the solar system was young.

Join the Lamoille County Star Gazers at the Grout observatory on the grounds of Peoples Academy in Morrisville at 202 Copley Ave. We plan to have the observatory telescope itself set up for this session, along with a variety of other telescopes. Come after 8:30 PM to learn about the moon, the different telescopes and look at maps of the moon, including the overall areas where several Apollo spacecraft landed We'll start observing around 9 PM, ending around 10 PM.

The observatory is on the small rise on the right as you come up Copley Ave. and into the circle in front of the school. Please park in the student parking area by the bandshell and walk to the opposite side of the circle to get to the observatory. Dress warmly and carry a flashlight to use when coming up the path to the observatory.

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