Rt. 2 Bike & Pedestrian Improvements – Final Public Work Session

Past event
Jun 10, 2014, 7 to 9 PM

The Town of Richmond is hosting the final work session to get public comment on the final set of recommendations for a report about improving bicycling and walking conditions along the Route 2 corridor between Richmond Village and the Richmond Park & Ride. The Town Plan has called for better non-motorized travel conditions along Route 2 for years, and the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission is funding this project to help examine ways to improve travel for bicyclists and walkers along Route 2.

Tuesday, June 10, 7:00 PM - Richmond Town Center

Please come to provide your comments to help guide the final recommendations for this important study.
To view the draft final report, please visit the Broadreach Planning & Design website: www.broadreachpd.com and click on Current Projects and then the Route 2 Bike/Ped Scoping Project. For more information, or to submit comments, you can email Broadreach Planning & Design at bikeped@gmavt.net.

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