Putting house on market soon and selling : old milk cans, flex. flyer sled, antique treadle sewing machine, Glenwood oak potbelly stove, old 3-point carryall, and tractor chains, tire chains, pine boards, assorted hardware, old wooden crate and small barrel, , oil lamps, kerosene cans, gas cans, paint brushes, nails, wooden dresser, antique wooden chairs, twin bed frame. Free -used metal roofing, great to cover firewood. Lots of it.
Located between Woodstock and Barnard at 1570 Greengate road.
Take Rt. 12 to Lakota Rd; first Left on Schoolhouse, next and only Right on Wayside / Greengate. Keep going uphill 2+ miles, pass Lookout Trailhead. Second to last house on road: red farmhouse on right, near road with 3-car attached garage.