Forest Stand Improvement (FSI) Workshop This Saturday

Past event
Apr 30, 2022, 9 AM to 12 PM

WHAT:Forest Stand Improvement (fsi) workshop In Brushwood this Saturday morning with Russell Barnes and David Paganelli

WHEN: this Saturday, 9 a.m -12 noon.

WHERE: at the Brushwood Community Forest, just 1.6 miles up Blood Brook Rd. from Lake Fairlee. The parking area is located on the east side of the road (the same entrance as the Rivendell Trail trailhead to Baldtop). There is a Tree Farm sign and gate at the entrance.

PLEASE NOTE:There is another set of trails and different parking area with Tree Farm sign almost 3 miles up Blood Brook from the Lake-that's not it !

Russell Barnes – retired logger and forest stand improvement expert will lead the program, with support from David Paganelli, the Orange County Forester.

We will visit a 10-15 acre area that received a Crop Tree Release treatment in 2020 and discuss various philosophy and techniques of crop tree release and pruning.

Russell has his own set of tools, some that he designed, others that he has purchased from other countries, and he has a very unique and interesting approach to working in the woods. A morning spent with Russell is always entertaining and informative.

Program will take place rain or shine, and we will have signs posted to direct people in.

Proudly co-sponsored by The West Fairlee Conservation Commission and the Vermont Woodlands Association.

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