Cambridge Community Forest Work Day This Weekend

Past event
Apr 30, 2022, 9 to 11 AM

The Education Ct for the Cambridge Community Forest invites interested volunteers to our work day for the Sensory Trail and Forest trail building on 4/30/22 from 9-11 AM. Washout rain date 5/1/22, same time.

Help widen and build new trails, move wood chips, dig sign post holes, situate stumps and logs for climbing, and other tasks. Bring labeled tools: wheelbarrows, spade shovels, saws, garden rakes, loppers, draw knives, spud knives, pick axes, crowbars, post-hole diggers. Prepare for ticks. Drop tools at forest entrance bridge on Rockside Drive and then park at junction of Rockside Dr. and Rt 313 or at CCS. Spread the word!

Email Sarah Becker below if you can come or have questions. And hold the date for next work day, May 21, washout rain date May 22. Thank you! Let's do more on this great project!

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