Town of Richmond
Recreation Committee Meeting
Tuesday, May 3, 2022 at 7 - 8:30 PM
Location weather permitting Volunteers Green Band shell
Backup indoor location Meeting Room C at the Town Office
Join Zoom Meeting:
Join by phone: (929) 205-6099
Meeting ID: 863 5730 2307
I. Call to Order (by 7:05pm)
II. Welcome and Roll Call: Who is taking minutes
III. Public comment for non-agenda items (7:05-7:15)
IV. Approval of Minutes from previous meeting (7:15-7:20): Apr 5, 2022
V. Business: (7:20 - 8:30)
a. Area: Volunteers Green:
i. May 31 MMU Volunteer day: Do we have projects for the students. The day involves our Advisory groups of 10-12 students and adults engaging in service projects around the MMU district. This annual tradition led to countless hours of work in our communities in MMUSD for many years. Ideas: · Garden bed clean up/ planting/ mulching; Reading, recess or other activity with elementary students; Painting/ staining tables, dugouts, sheds or anything else you'd like painted; Window Washing; Trail work/ maintenance; Green Up Activities
ii. July 4th Volunteer Sign Up and Activities: Update on volunteers (Sheri); ideas to promote sign up.
iii. Recreational Committee Member and Volunteer Recruitment
b. Area: Funding/Grant Writing:
i. Grant opportunities: Do we have other funding opportunities for Volunteers Green?
c. Meetings: revisit if we want to meet in person for a period of time, all virtual, or hybrid.
d. Vermont Recreation and Parks Association Membership: Ravi
e. Next meeting June 7: Set agenda items for next meeting and minute take. Suggestion work plan (pick a task). Invite the Rob Peterson (Dept. of Parks and Recreation) or Mad River Valley Park District.
f. Motion to Adjourn: 8:30
Mar 4, 2025, 7 to 8 PM
Rotary Speaker: Sarah Russell, City of BurlingtonMar 6, 2025, 7:15 to 8:30 AM
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