Panton Neighbors - Green bags are available at the town hall and town garage if you'd like to get an early start. You know our roads need some TLC, and we thank those of you who have been out already picking up the roadside trash. We're keeping track of the roads that have been cleaned up, so please email us to let us know where you've been. Also if you need a suggestion for an area, please ask.
Green bags can be dropped off now at the town garage. Over 40 people volunteered in 2021 to pick up roadside trash. Please join in to make this an even bigger effort for the 2022 Green Up Day in Panton.
Stop by town hall on Saturday, May 7 from 9-11 am for the annual Green Up Day Coffee & Doughnuts with the Panton Selectboard. They'd like to meet you and thank you in person for your hard work.
With our thanks,
Louise Giovanella & Paula Moore
Panton Green Up Day Co-Chairs