Tinmouth Green Up 2022

Past event
May 7, 2022, 9 to 11 AM

Green Up Day is Saturday, May 7.

The Tinmouth Green Up Committee is teaming up with the Conservation Commission to create a fun and delicious Green Up. In hopes of bringing the community out on Green Up Day, we're doing some fun activities at the Transfer Station at the conclusion of the event. It's been a long hard COVID and we're all looking forward to doing things together again!

Green Up volunteers will meet at the Transfer Station between 8:30 AM and 9:00 AM on Saturday morning to get bags and a section of road to clean up. We'll reunite at the Transfer Station at 11:00 AM for the GALA AWARDS CEREMONY (with prizes) and FREE ICE CREAM. This is a family and kid-friendly event so please come with your young ones so they can share the fun (and maybe learn a little about civic responsibility and protecting our environment).

There won't be a Green Up activity at the school this year so this is your kiddos' opportunity to be part of the team! People are also welcome to do DIY Green Up by getting bags from the Town Office (there are bags there now) and cleaning a section of roadside as your schedule allows. But we urge you to come with your family on Saturday morning to help build community momentum for this important and fun activity.

Please dress appropriately for the weather, including boots, work gloves, long pants and long-sleeved shirts (to help avoid ticks). For more info. on avoiding ticks, go to the Vermont Dept. of Health website and search ticks or use this link: http://www.healthvermont.gov/diseasecontrol/tickbornediseases/prevent-tick-bites-tickbornediseases Any items too large (or too yucky) for your vehicle we can pick up with a truck if you tell us where it is.

There is also the option of "adopting" a section of roadway in town and keeping it litter-free year round as you walk or drive on it. In addition to keeping your neighborhood beautiful, this will allow us to focus on other roads on Green Up Day to make sure we cover all the roads in town.

We hope to see you at Green Up on Saturday, May 7.

Feel free to contact members of the Green Up committee with any questions: Doug Fontein 446-2928, Nelson Jaquay 446-2367, Ed Hasenohr 446-2676.

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