Green Up Day is Saturday, May 7. The Duxbury Land Trust is coordinating Duxbury's Green Up for the 25th year. Please consider helping out by working on your own road and/or another one that needs additional volunteers. Green Up bags are available in the black mailbox at the Town Clerk's office. Bring your filled bags to the Town Office/Highway Garage and place in the dumpsters. Please remember Green Up is designed for roadside cleanup. Do not bring your own household items for disposal.
The town pays the trash bill.
Green Up is an opportunity to work as a family or team. It is great for kids to experience the example of environmental concern modeled by their parents and other adults. ...and they can earn a little money by turning in the bottles and cans for deposit.
I f you plan to participate, please dress appropriately and wear gloves. Don't pick up any drug paraphernalia like needles. We don't work on Route 100 for safety reasons and because the VT Agency of Transportation covers that state highway.
Here is a link to the Green Up website that offers valuable information about safety precautions and proper disposal of certain items like your own electronics and appliances: .
Please let me know where you will be working as it is very helpful for planning and to complete the requested report.
Any questions: Audrey Quackenbush - or 802-244-7512. The DLT greatly appreciates your participation. Let's spruce up Duxbury! Thank you, Audrey
Mar 3, 2025, 6 to 8 PM
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