Healing Your Relationship w/ Food, Eating + Body Image

Past event
Apr 30, 2022, 3 to 5 PM

It is an absolute honor to have your attention here and to have the opportunity to hold space for this event!
I'm hosting my first ever IN-PERSON workshop on my property here in Vermont! 
This specific event is open to all people, of all ages, and walks of life. 
Created by Certified Nutrition Therapist and Certified Mind-Body Eating Coach, Brooke Isabelle. $111 PER PERSON. PAYMENT PLANS ARE AVAILABLE.

Healing your relationship with food, eating, and body image is the focus.
If you've struggled with eating habits, dieting, food restriction, binge eating, emotional eating, food shame, body shame, body dysmorphia, orthorexia, etc...THIS WORKSHOP IS FOR YOU. These two hours are meant for you. This space is meant for you.  You are safe. You are heard and seen. This circle is confidential.

This workshop will be organic and very relaxed. Lots of natural conversation.
Please bring a journal, a writing utensil, and a warm blanket to sit on.
We will discuss topics such as the following:

-fear of gaining weight
-how to handle food comments, weight comments, etc
-how to handle diet culture in general
-tracking food, pros + cons
-obsessing over reading food labels + any restriction
-"eating clean" -the term, what it means, why it could be triggering for people
-binge eating + purging
-shame and guilt around food + eating
-balance with food + eating
-making space for self-care + balance in life
-making peace with your relationship with food + eating
-making peace with your relationship with your body + mind
-benefits of high-quality sleep
-high-quality water + hydration
-gut health
-skin health
-managing anxiety + depression
-stress management
-food sourcing
and way more...

We will be gathering on my land in east Montpelier, by the river, weather permitting, so please dress accordingly and pack extra layers.
email awakeningnutrition@gmail.com to register and save your spot!
more details and location will be provided.


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