No More War, No More Fossil Fuels! Family Earth Day Solidarity Sing and Nurse-In
All are invited to join Families Rise UP in singing, nursing our babies, and picnicking together on the state house steps to call for an end to fossil fuel extraction and war, and to celebrate community and life. Please wear yellow or blue, bring your families, friends, and a picnic lunch, and come ready to sing. All nursing people are especially invited to come together and nurse their babies or children at noon on the statehouse steps.
When: Saturday, April 23rd from 11AM-1PM. The nurse-in will take place at noon.
Where: The State House Steps
Why: The heart wrenching situation in Ukraine has made it clear that we need to get off fossil fuels NOW! Not only do fossil fuels drive the climate emergency, but they also fund and enable war. As long as we are extracting and burning dirty energy, we are going to see more families torn apart by instability, violence, and war.
Locally, we have the opportunity to transition to a just and healthy Vermont that is free of fossil fuels, and we can do this by coming together and pushing for bolder climate legislation. We all have the power to nourish or to destroy. We choose to nurse our babies and feed our families together to celebrate Earth Day. We can change the direction of our world, and we can begin here in Vermont.
Who: Families Rise Up is a project of 350 Vermont bringing together families to talk about the tough realities of climate change and to participate in the transition to a healthier and safer world.