Speaker: Dave Schermerhorn, GM, Vermont Lake Monsters

Past event
Apr 21, 2022, 7:30 to 9 AM

What Is It Like to Run the Vermont Lake Monsters?

Find out with us when General Manager Dave Schermerhorn joins the Williston-Richmond Rotary on Thursday morning. He will speak about what is involved in running the Lake Monsters ball club, the transition last year to the Futures Collegiate Baseball League and sharing what led him to his current position.

- Join in person at the Williston Federated Church Fellowship Hall, 44 N Williston Rd. Arrive by 7:15 a.m. if you'd like breakfast. The speaker portion of our meeting starts at 7:30 and usually ends around 8:15 a.m. The remainder of the meeting is for announcements and sharing. You are welcome to stay for all or part.

- Join via Zoom. Email us at RotaryClubofWillistonVT@gmail.com for a link.

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