Green Up Day is Saturday, May 7th this year and Morristown is getting ready.
We will be following the same schedule of events as in the years before the pandemic. Morristown Town Clerk's office will be the place to get your Green Up bags and to mark the map showing the location of the roads you are volunteering to clean up. Office hours are Monday-Thursday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm and Friday 8:00 am -1:00 pm. If those hours don't work, call Brent at 802-793-4950 to get bags or if you have questions. Let us know if you see extremely trashed areas or something unusual!
The large dumpster and Green Up day headquarters will be in a new location this year and not in the municipal parking lot. It will be in the Oxbow Parking lot. Drive past Rk Miles Lumber at the end of Portland Street. The Green Up Day dumpster will be in the Oxbow Parking lot on Saturday May 7th from 7 am -3 pm. Please bring the green trash bags and tires here. There will also be additional green bags and road assignments at the tent. Unwanted tire disposal will be offered at $3 per regular tire.
The statewide Green Up Day Challenge this year is" Clean Every Mile." Morristown has done that for the past several years so let's Keep Up Our Record!
Volunteer Now!
Morristown Conservation Commission