Roxbury Selectboard Meeting

Past event
Apr 18, 2022, 6:45 to 8:30 PM

Posting on behalf of the Roxbury Town Offices:
MONDAY, APRIL 18, 2022 AT 6:45 PM

1. Call meeting to order
2. Executive Session – Personnel – 6:45 p.m.
3. Additions/Deletions to Agenda
4. Roxbury Park Committee Request
5. Roxbury's 3rd of July (4th) Celebration – Mary Bouchard (?)
6. Public
7. Road Commissioner's Report
a) Roads
b) Equipment
c) Annual Financial Plan
d) Town Road & Bridge Standards and Network Inventory
e) Structures Grant
8. Financial Report
a) Review & Approve Orders
b) Income Received
9. Unfinished Business
a) ARPA Funds
b) Emerald Ash Borer
c) Jason's Handiworks – mowing contract
10. New Business
a) Hazardous Communications Plan
b) Local Emergency Management Plan
c) White Mountain Cable Request – Beaver Meadow Road
d) Act 250 Jurisdictional Opinion
11. Other Business
12. Approve Minutes of April 4, 2022 and April 7, 2022
13. Adjourn

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