Benefit Dance & Auction

Past event
May 31, 2014

Local businesses have been very generous, and we have collected some great stuff for the auction! We hope you will join us this Saturday to do some bidding and cut a little rug:

Benefit Dance & Auction
for Jared Paquette
May 31, 2014 – 7:00pm
@ The Crossing in Richford

Featuring DJ Ronnie Sheltra
Auctioneers Mark Waterhouse and Ed White
$10.00 Donation per person

All ages are welcome.

Jared Paquette is a 13 year old boy from Richford who has been diagnosed with Very Severe Aplastic Anemia. Aplastic Anemia is a rare and serious disease. It happens when the bone marrow stops making enough red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets for the body. People with severe aplastic anemia are at risk for life-threatening infections or bleeding. Jared is a candidate for a stem cell transplant (bone marrow) and has been placed on the National Registry to find a bone marrow donor match.

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