Green Up Day in Winooski

Past event
May 7, 2022, 9 AM to 12 PM

The City of Winooski is proud to join our fellow Vermonters for Green Up Day! Stop by the Winooski Senior Center (123 Barlow Street) tto collect your green bags, safety information, and a free refreshment (coffee and donuts) before you head out. Staff and volunteers will be available for assistance and questions. Once you've got your bag, feel free to Green Up a location of your preference in Winooski.

To celebrate, Green Up Day participants are also invited to check out live woodworking demonstrations by Tom Locatell, the 'Artist in Residence' at the Winooski Senior Center. Tom is locally famous for his special woodworking projects made from hewing fallen trees in the Gilbrook Nature Area (check out this great episode of 'Stuck in Vermont' feat. his work:

Planning ahead? Green Up Day bags can also be acquired at:

• Winooski City Hall - 27 West Allen St. (now through 5.5.22, M - F, 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM)
• Winooski Memorial Library - 32 Malletts Bay Ave (now through 5.7.22, Tue - Fri 10 AM - 6 PM, Sat 10 AM - 2 PM)

Participants are encouraged to use the Green Up Day app. This is the official app for helping you organize a team, track your progress, find supplies and get all the information you need to help make Green Up Day a success. Download via the Apple Store or Google Play:

Please take a moment to view our full event details and guidelines here before hand:

Questions? Call or email: 802 655 1392 /

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