Virtual Backyard Composting Workshop in the NEK!

Past event
May 4, 2022, 6 to 7 PM

Click the link (or copy and paste into your internet browser) to register for this ZOOM Workshop:[...]XJo

Our Backyard Composting Workshop is designed to help people compost their food scraps in their backyard with confidence! Whether you're interested in learning more or an experienced composter, everyone will have something to learn at this workshop!

In this workshop, we will review:
• Vermont's Universal Recycling and Composting Law
• Where and How to Build a Compost Pile,
• Types of Compost Systems, Location, Ingredients, Recipe
• Troubleshooting and Maintaining the Compost Pile!

If you have questions, contact the NEKWMD at 802-626-3532 or email

Find us on the web at

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