Green Up Day - Saturday, May 7 (Save the Date)

Past event
May 7, 2022, 8 AM to 8 PM

Hello Neighbors,

Please remember that May7th, Saturday, is Green Up Day. You can find the green bags at the library or in the bin outside the town office. After you pick up the roadside trash, you will have to bring the bags to the designated dumpster at the firehouse.

On the morning of Green Up Day we will have water, coffee, fruit and granola bars available for the volunteers at the library.

The elementary students will no longer be covering the dirt roads so feel free to pick up trash on any road you like. I have created a team on the Green Up Day smart phone App called "Westford". Feel free to download it and join the team. This is new to me but we may be able to share information about which roads we covered etc.

Let me know if you have any question. Email me or call my cell at 233-6417.

thank you, Mark Peloquin

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