Join us at our upcoming events! Find more information and register now at
Spring Wildflowers from the Ground Up
Wednesday, April 27, 7-8 PM; online
Join us for a virtual spring wildflower walk to explore ground-dwelling flowers, flowering shrubs and tree flowers. All the plants will be named, and we'll share a few good places to go wildflower watching.
Vernal Pool Exploration for Families
Wednesday, April 20, 10 AM – 12:30 PM
Delaney Woods, Wells
Visit a vernal pool in southwestern Vermont! This family-focused event is perfect for adventurous kids aged 5-12 and their families, but all are welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Vernal Pool Walk in Barre
Saturday, April 23, 10 AM -12 PM
Barre Town Forest
Visit some of the vernal pools in the Barre Town Forest! We'll explore two state-significant vernal pools and learn about the critters that depend on these pools.
Vernal Pool Walk in St. Johnsbury
Friday, May 12, 4-7 PM
Visit a vernal pool in St. Johnsbury! We'll be exploring several pools and the forest between them.