Holy Week and Easter at FCCEJ

Past event
Apr 14 to 17, 2022

No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey you are welcome in this place.

First Congregational Church of Essex Junction invites you to join us as we commemorate and celebrate Holy Week and Easter!
Our Maundy Thursday service is 6pm on April 14 and will be a simple dinner, discussion and communion. We will remember Christ's last supper and imagine what he and the disciples were going through the night before the passion where betrayal, trial and death took the lead. We'll meet in the Fellowship Hall.

Good Friday, April 15, is a narrative that highlights the passion of Christ, that is Jesus' betrayal, arrest, trial and ultimate death on a cross. Come and join us, knowing that your presence at the cross will make your Easter experience that much more significant. 7pm in the Sanctuary.

Holy Saturday—April 16
Friendship. Fire. Reflection. Chocolate. Holy Saturday is a liminal space between the death of Jesus and his resurrection. This year on Holy Saturday we are hosting a vigil outside with a bonfire. We will gather together, listen to the spoken word and the sounds of silence, sing, and reflect. Join us for the whole time or for part of the time. 7:30pm—9pm in front of the church

Easter Sunday—April 17
Ecumenical 6am Sunrise Service—Holy Family Gazebo
Come and watch the sunrise and celebrate the gift of new life that our God through Jesus offers to everyone. Father Charlie, Rev. Mark and Rev Josh will lead this service for anyone who would like to start their day with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Easter Worship Services at FCCEJ at 8:30am & 10:15am

39 Main Street, Essex Junction

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