Underhill Community Values Mapping

Past event
Apr 26, 2022, 6 to 8 PM

Community Values Mapping is an opportunity for Underhill residents to identify areas they care about in town. Participants will be asked to circle areas they care about and describe what they value in those areas (e.g., hunting, recreating, sugaring, wildlife viewing). This is a great way to tell your town officials what is most important to you and help generate a map of what the community cares about! The composite map will be used as part of the natural community mapping project. If you don't come to represent your values, who will?

You will have 3 opportunities to participate in helping to create a map that identifies those places that hold special meaning to the people of Underhill.

On Tuesday, April 26, from 6-8 PM, we will hold a virtual session facilitated by natural resource experts that will walk you through mapping your special areas while on your computer at home. Register through Eventbrite using the link below. It is free.
4/26 Community Values Mapping Online using Eventbrite Registration https://www.eventbrite.com/e/underhill-community-values-mapping-tickets-306475385127

On Wednesday, April 27 from 6:30-8 we will hold an in-person event at the Town Hall. Register using the link below. It is free.
4/27 Community Values Mapping In Person

On Saturday, April 30, from 11-1 we will have a map on an easel at the Deborah Rawson Library where people can add their input at their leisure. No registration needed.

Please join us for one of these exciting events!
Sponsored by the Underhill Natural Resource Inventory and Mapping Committee in collaboration with the Vermont Community Wildlife Program.

Contact Sandy Wilmot if you need assistance in registering: sandy.wilmot@yahoo.com

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