April 18 – 22
9 am – Noon
Ages 10-14
at Town Hall Theater, Middlebury
Become a Magician: A Workshop on Performing Magic with Tom Verner
In this five-day, fifteen-hour workshop, we will learn to perform enough magic to do a 20-30 minute Magic Show for our family and friends. We will not just learn how the magic is done, but learn how to do it. The teacher's philosophy is: "Just 'cause you know how the trick is done, doesn't mean you know how to do it." To do the magic, to perform it, to "become a magician," to turn a "trick" into "magic," you need to know acting, story-telling and performance skills. We will learn how to perform a magic show. A $50 dollar set of magic props is included in the tuition. Tom Verner is the founder of Magicians Without Borders.
Visit townhalltheater.org/education for details.
Dec 29, 2024, 1 to 3 PM
Sap Line House Concert! Jan. 3Jan 3, 2025, 6 to 7:30 PM
Sapline House Concert at Music Center on 1/3Jan 3, 2025, 6 to 7:15 PM