Weekly Guided Meditation & Talk Tuesdays

Past event
May 17, 2022, 7 to 8 PM

Join me this evening and every Tuesday evening from 7 to 8 PM for a free guided "Do Nothing" meditation (also known as "Shikantaza" or "Just Sitting" in the Zen tradition) and talk.
About the Guided Meditations

Our weekly guided meditations explore what it feels like to sit with no-where to go and no-thing to do. What remains here when there is no problem to solve and no agenda to pursue? As we sit with whatever arises, we begin to realize that while the craving mind wants to improve itself in order to become who it wants to be, the soul yearns for radical acceptance of who we actually are. Can we learn to be okay with ourselves, just as we are? Can we come to understand, along with Thoreau, that "there is no other land; there is no other life but this"?

No prior meditation experience is necessary. We meet by zoom.

Who am I?

The more I meditate, the more I realize that I don't really know who I am. This said, there are a few things about me that I do know. I teach meditation both within and outside the university setting. Primarily inspired by the spiritual traditions of Zen, Advaita Vedanta and self-inquiry, I am also deeply influenced by the teachings of Alan Watts, as well as by Jungian depth psychology. I can often be found in my spiritual home of Springwater Center, where I am always eager to learn from my meditation teacher, Sandra Gonzalez, and, indirectly, from her teacher's teacher, Toni Packer.

How to Join?

If you're interested in joining me this evening, or any other Tuesday evening, this is the link:


It's the same link every Tuesday.

Free Recorded Guided Meditations and Mailing List

If you can't make it on Tuesday evenings or are on the fence, please check out my recorded guided meditations and talks on insight timer, the world's largest guided meditation database. My insight timer meditations and talks may be accessed here:



Finally, if you're interested in receiving email updates of future meditations, talks and retreats, please sign up to the mailing list here:


With much love,


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