Wells River Voters and Residents - Re: Village Meeting

Past event
Apr 19, 2022, 7 to 8 PM

Attention Wells River Voters and Residents.

Wells River voters have you received your Village Report? By law voters are required to receive their Village Report 10 days before the Village meeting. The village meeting is going to be April 19th at 7pm at the Village Garage/Office.

So, if you have not received your village report yet and you are a Wells River registered voter contact the Village Clerk at 802-757-3401 or email at: wellsrivervillageclerk@gmail.com to request one. Or stop in at the Village Office - Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 8am- 12 Noon or by appointment to get your report.

If you are a registered voter, you are entitled to a report whether you own property or live in an apartment. If you are not a registered voter and are 18 years old, a US citizen and live in the Village there is still time to register to vote for the Village Meeting and/or to receive a report. Contact the Village clerk to assist you, or go to the Newbury Town Clerk Office to register to vote for Newbury and Wells River elections.

Non Voters may attend the Village meeting but can not vote.

This year Wells River Village Meeting goes back to an in-person floor meeting. You must attend the meeting to vote for town officers and the warrant articles.

Every article is important but there are two warrant items that voters should pay particular attention to:

One is buried in the general fund in Article 5: Trustee Stipend $15,000 ($1000/Trustee; $50/meeting)

The second is Article 6: Shall the voters authorize the trustees to change the highway department from an in house employee position to a subcontracted position? (See the Village report for more information)

Richard M Roderick

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