Green Up Day with Community Hope & Action

Past event
May 7, 2022, 9 AM to 12 PM

Join us for Green Up Day May 7, 2022 9am- 12pm

Community Hope & Action presents this well-loved event starting in front of Leland and Gray Union Middle and High School. Come get your trash bags and goodies then clean up your neighborhood roads and waterways. As a volunteer, you make a huge difference for our environment. Filled bags can be dropped off at the Townshend transfer station on Saturday May 7th from 8am to 2pm free of charge. Questions: Contact West River Valley Thrives at 802-365-4700 or

Check out West River Valley Thrives (Thrives) Butler Installation/Butt Litter Clean Up project: Join Leland & Gray students and Kayla Jager, Thrives' Youth Engagement Specialist on Green Up Day to help collect cigarette butts. Thrives will provide the proper gear to make it a sanitary process. After you collect them, they will be weighed. Whoever collects the most cigarette butts receives a prize!

Why should you participate? Cigarette butts are toxic to our environment, contaminating both the soil and our waterways. Collecting butts not only helps reduce contamination, they can be sent to a recycling plant to be repurposed into useful items such as park benches! Your participation in this effort will also help us to identify high butt litter areas. Once identified, we can reach out to property owners about installing butt receptacles (butlers), to both prevent future litter and make it easier to recycle.

If interested in joining us for this project on Green Up Day please reach out to Kayla at:

To learn more about cigarette butt recycling visit:

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