Selectboard Meeting Agenda

Past event
Apr 11, 2022, 7 PM

Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Monday, April 11, 2022 at 7:00 pm


PLEASE NOTE: Agenda items may be taken up earlier than noted if the 15 minutes set aside for public comment is not used, or if other items are completed more quickly than anticipated.

7:00 – 7:15 PM
• Call to Order
• Introduce Lisa Grace - recording secretary
• Public Comment (for items not on the agenda)
• Additions/Changes to the Agenda
• Review and Sign Warrants

7:15 PM -- Consent Agenda – ACTION ITEM
• Adopt Minutes of February 19, 2022 Informational Meeting
• Adopt Edited Minutes of February 28, 2022 Regular Meeting
• Adopt Edited Minutes of March 7, 2022 Special Meeting
• Adopt Edited Minutes of March 14, 2022 Regular Meeting
• Adopt Edited Minutes of March 18, 2022 Special Meeting
• Adopt Edited Minutes of March 28, 2022 Regular Meeting
• Ratify Actions taken and decisions made at March 7 and March 14 meetings
• Application for Private Maintenance of Public Roadsides
• Approval of a Congressionally Directed Spending Request to Senator Sanders identical in process and substance to the CDS to Senator Leahy previously approved by the Board.

7:20 PM – Schedule public hearing for Calais Shade Tree Preservation Plan (Neal Maker) ACTION ITEM (required by 24 V.S.A. §2502)
Appoint board liaison to Conservation Committee and Tree Warden (board) – ACTION ITEM

7:35 PM – Roads Report – INFORMATION ITEM (Rick Kehne/Alfred Larrabee)

7:45 PM – Calais Selectboard Rules of Procedure – ACTION ITEM (Marc/Sharon)

7:50 PM – Town Constable to participate in Law Enforcement Office training at Vermont Police Academy (John) -- ACTION ITEM

8:55 PM – Local Emergency Management Plan – ACTION ITEM (Rick with Nick Emlen)

8:10 PM –ARPA Funds – Use of Standard Allocation method of Revenue Replacement ACTION ITEM (Denise)

8:20 PM -- Treasurer/Del. Tax Collector -- ACTION ITEM to approve interim solutions to fulfill treasurer duties (Denise/Marc)

8:30 PM – Consideration of April 25, 2022 and May 7, 2022 Agenda Items

8:35 PM -- Board Round-Robin on Items of Old Business; Other Business; Future Business

8:50 PM – Executive Session if needed, under 1 V.S.A. §313

9:00 PM -- Adjourn

Future Agenda Items
• ROW 2022-01 Jerry Partin on Quarry Road; 4/25/22
• ROW 2021-03 Ciaburro application 4/25/22
• Curb Cut Application – Sharon/Denise 4/25/22 (Curb Cut Materials at this link)
• Friends of Town Hall Management Agreement and Rental Schedule April 25 – Denise
• Tasks for a well-functioning board – Denise (from March 18 2022 discussion)
• Select Board email protocol (from March 18 2022 discussion)
• Speed Carts discussion/Lightening Ridge traffic calming – Rick/Alfred
• Highway Capital Plan – Rick
• County Road Speed Limit -- Rick/Denise

Review and Update Existing Policies and Ordinances
• Traffic Ordinance – Rick
• Personnel Policy – Sharon/Denise
• Job Descriptions Review and Update – Sharon/Denise
• Conflict of Interest Policy (Conflict of Interest Background)

Create Ordinance/Policy
Junk Ordinance – requested

Issues Pending
• Worcester Cell Tower – John
• ARPA funds utilization process

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