Sunderland Green Up Day - May 7

Past event
May 7, 2022, 8 AM to 12 PM

It's that time of year again! The 52nd Annual Green Up Day. Vermont's always been one of the cleanest states. Join us for this Spring clean-up tradition where Vermonters make a difference in their communities by picking up road and waterway litter. Last year 22,000 volunteers picked up 419 tons of trash as well as 16,000 tires. Get your family members (any age!) and friends to join you in making Sunderland an even better place to live and play.

Please sign up via a reply to Sunderland Coordinator Jeff Dexter's email address, Email the number of people, your contact info and what road(s) you'd like to clean up.

Litter bags can be picked up at Town Hall, M-Thur, 9am – 3pm (104 Mountain View Road) or on Green Up Day at the booth set up from 8am to 12 noon at Town Hall parking lot.

Tied-up bags and other debris can be dropped off at the Town Garage, 3039 Sunderland Hill Road or left on the side of cleaned up roads for pick up.

The Green Up App helps you and your team track your route, communicate, and let your town know where the trash is. Download from Apple Store or Google+ . For more info:

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