Event: Earth Day Invasive Plant Removal
Date: April 22nd
Time: 10 AM - 1 PM
Location: Muddy Brook Wetland Reserve
Led by: Tim Larned, Winooski Valley Park District
Join Winooski Valley Park District Staff and other volunteers celebrating Earth Day by helping to improve important shrubland habitat. Parking at trailhead off Van Sicklen Rd. South Burlington. There is limited parking so please reach out to timlarned@wvpd.org if you are planning to attend. Mud Boots recommended! We will plan to get in a couple hours of Invasive ID and removal and then save some time (12-1) for a hike out to a recent shrubland habitat restoration project the Winooski Valley Park District worked with the Champlain Valley Conservation Partnership (CVCP), the City of South Burlington, Audubon VT and US Fish and Wildlife Services to complete. The hike will be dependent on the ground drying out enough for a group to use.
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