with Tim Kipp and friends
Brattleboro Democracy Forum
at Brooks Memorial Library and on Zoom
6:30 pm, Tuesday, April 12th, 2022,
Tim says:
The United States is in a crisis of two nations. Economic instability, racial reckoning, a lingering pandemic and rising authoritarianism divide Americans by a gulf not experienced since the Civil War.
Underlying this disunion are conflicting concepts of what democracy actually is or should be. The old consensus is crumbling. Today for some, physically attacking the nation's capitol makes sense, for others, making it harder for people to vote is a democratic act.
On the other hand many still believe in citizen responsibility in the political process. For these people government and community organizing for social justice is what democracy looks like.
Our future can and will be charted by how we conceptualize democracy itself. Understanding, expanding and sustaining democracy can perhaps lead to a bridging of this not so grand canyon of national divide.
This presentation focuses on the nature of democracy and offers a re conceptualization of this greatest of human inventions.
Tim Kipp is a retired history and political science teacher of 39 years and a political activist since the 1960s.
To join the Zoom meeting click on this URL on the 12th:
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